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Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the Greeks

  • Published in World
Proven in every period of its development, the western European culture has tried to rid himself of the Greeks Proven in every period of its development, the western European culture has tried to rid himself of the Greeks

Nietzsche was a German philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic. His writings on truth, morality, language, aesthetics, cultural theory, history, nihilism, power, consciousness.

The above, and the meaning of existence have exerted an enormous influence on Western philosophy and intellectual history..

Here is what he said about the Greeks and the Greek civilisation:

Proven in every period of its development, the western European culture has tried to rid himself of the Greeks. This work is imbued with deep disappointment, because whatever we create, seemingly original and worthy of admiration, lose color and life in comparison with the Greek mode, came to resemble a cheap copy, a caricature.
So again and again soaked in a rage erupts hatred against the Greeks, against this small and arrogant nation, who had the nerve to call it barbaric whatever that had not been established in its territory ...
None of the recurrent enemies had the fortune to discover the hemlock, which could for ever be rid of them. All poisons of envy, of hubris, hatred, have been insufficient to disturb the great beauty.

Thus, people continue to feel shame and fear of the Greeks. Of course, occasionally, someone appears to recognize intact truth, truth which teaches that the Greeks are the charioteers of any upcoming culture and almost always as the chariots and horses of the upcoming cultures is very low quality compared to the charioteer, who eventually work out driving his chariot into the abyss, which are beyond the Achilles 'Leap'.

Source: The Guardian

Last modified onSaturday, 24 November 2018 19:49
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