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Aesop's Fables: Tales and videos

Aesop, (Greek:Αἴσωπος, 620–564 BCE), was an Ancient Greek fabulist or story teller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables.

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Dionysus god or a leader who conquered India?

DIONYSOS (Dionysus), was the great Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure and festivity or a conqueror? Descriptions of ancient writers are telling stories of his adventures in the East: Egypt, Libya, Syria, Phoinicia, Phrygia, Anatolia, and distant reaches of India.

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The 2-minute healthy snack

Simplicity is perfection, or just creamy Greek yoghurt drizzled with sweet rich honey and sprinkled with crispy walnuts and cinnamon! ‘Yiaourti me meli’ (Greek yogurt with honey).

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The Greek Islands: How were they Named?

To find the etymology behind the names of Greek islands, one should take into account a number of factors such as spelling, grammar, ancient Greek mythology and the geomorphology of each place.

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  • Read: 3259 times

The Byzantines of Cornwall: Paleologoi

In the common consciousness of the Greeks, Byzantium and its last ruling dynasty, the Palaeologus family came to an end on 29 May 1453, when the last Emperor, Constantine Palaeologus, fell in battle, fighting Mehmet the Conqueror and his marauding hordes.

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  • Read: 3559 times

History of Alexander the Great - part 2

Part 2 - Life and history of Alexander the Great. The unstoppable and unbeatable Greek leader Alexander is conquering one by one the territories of the vast Persian empire on his way to India... The battles, the tactics, the genius strategics...

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  • Read: 3667 times

Greek Spinach and Rice

A super healthy and delicious traditional Greek spinach and rice recipe! Spanakorizo (which is translated as spinach and rice) is a classic Greek vegetarian dish which can be served as a side dish or can easily stand on it’s own with some feta cheese and bread.

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Tzatziki - Yogurt Dip

Cool and creamy, this tangy cucumber dip flavored with garlic is the perfect compliment to grilled meats and vegetables.

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Minoans have been to America before Columbus

Sounds unbelievable, but may be true. Numerous findings seem to concede that the Minoans were keen navigators who crossed the Atlantic. They created colonies even in Canada and exploited local copper mines. All this before Columbus!

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History of Alexander the Great - part 1

Part 1 - Life and history of Alexander the Great. Alexander was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC. His parents were Philip II of Macedon and his wife Olympias. Alexander was educated by the philosopher Aristotle...

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  • Read: 3524 times

The Persian Invasion in Greece: Marathon

The Battle of Marathon took place in September 12th, 490 BCE*, during the first Persian invasion of Greece. It was fought between the citizens of Athens, aided by Plataea, and a Persian Imperial force commanded by Datis and Artaphernes.

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  • Read: 3985 times

Ancient Greek language survives in Turkey

An isolated community near the Black Sea coast in a remote part of north-eastern Turkey has been found to speak a Greek dialect that is remarkably close to the extinct language of ancient Greece.

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  • Read: 4752 times

The Naming of the Days in English, Latin and Greek

We speak the names of the gods on a daily basis and most people do not even realise it. Every day of the week, religious and non-religious people alike follow the old pagan tradition of giving thanks to the gods of old.

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Pastitsio, a delicious baked pasta

Pastitsio (Greek baked pasta) has the wonderfulness of moussaka, without aubergine, and layers of macaroni. What more could you possibly want?
Baked Pasta with mince Meat and Bechamel Topping.

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Mycenean Greeks in Pretani (Britain)

The Mycenaean civilization was an early Greek civilization flourished during the period between 1600 BC, when Helladic culture in mainland Greece was transformed under influences from Minoan Crete.

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Greek Salad

It's summertime here and one of the pleasures of life is to sit down with a Greek salad (Horiatiki), dunking your bread in the olive oil and drinking a light beer or whatever your fancy is for a cold drink.

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Filotimo: The untraslatable unique Greek virtue

An amazing video about the Philotimo (also spelled filotimo; Greek: φιλότιμο) is a Greek noun translating to "love of honor". However, philotimo is almost impossible to translate sufficiently as it describes a complex array of virtues.

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Greek proverbs with English translation

A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.

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The oldest book of Europe: Derveni Papyrus

The Derveni Papyrus is the oldest known European book. Since its discovery in 1962, it has been treated as the most significant philological find of the 20th century.

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  • Read: 5005 times

The Lentil Soup of Englouvi

I was born and raised on the island of Lefkada, on the western coast of Greece, amidst the turquoise-blue waters of the Ionian Sea.

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Tsoureki (Traditional Greek Easter bread)

If you haven’t tried tsoureki (Greek Easter bread) before, then you are certainly missing out! Soft, fluffy, with a beautiful brown semi-soft crust and an amazing stringy texture...

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Athens 1944: Britain’s dirty secret

When 28 civilians were killed in Athens, it wasn’t the Nazis who were to blame, it was the British. Ed Vulliamy and Helena Smith reveal how Churchill’s shameful decision to turn on the partisans who had fought on our side in the war sowed the seeds for the rise of the far right in Greece today

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  • Read: 4700 times

Ancient Greek philosopher's quotes

The Ancient Greek philosophers were unbelievably smart and wise. They used few words, 'quotes', to express pearls of wisdom that stand up today as guidelines for living wisely and compassionately.

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The Greek Paleologus in Barbados, Caribbean

American tourists to the Caribbean are amazed by the Greek influence. A subjugated people, without a country, the Greek culture made its mark in the new world.

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  • Read: 4833 times

6000 year old inscription with Greek letters

An amazing discovery was brought to light by archaeologists in excavations of prehistoric Pella's Archondikon, a few days before closing the excavation period (summer 2011).

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  • Read: 4971 times

Were the Philistines Cretan Minoas?

The Philistines we encounter in the books of Judges and 1 and 2 Samuel (11th century BC) are well known to us. Not only do we have detailed information about them in the Bible.

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  • Read: 7837 times

English proverbs with Greek translation

A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.

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Let's make baklava..

Hello, food lovers. My name is Yannis and I am going to share with you my knowledge and passion for food. Get ready for flavors that will blow your mind. Together we'll prepare and then, of course, taste lots and various delicacies.

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Kalash: The Lost Children of Great Alexander

Decendants of Alexander the Great soldiers? The New York Times recently published an article* that had a fascinating description of the Kalash, an ancient ethnic group living high in the remote mountains of Pakistan's Hindu Kush.

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  • Read: 5574 times
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